Study Tips for Students from Pulse
It’s that pit in the stomach feeling when you know you have a big exam coming up but just sitting down to organise your study schedule is the most overwhelming part. Well, we are here to help!
Here are 3 easy study tips you can implement today!
- Create a study space that works for you
Grab a large cup of coffee or your favourite drink of choice and set out your table or desk. Maybe you need a last-minute trip to the UniShop for some fun highlighters or a new notebook to get you motivated? Do what you need to do to set up your space so that you feel organised. Maybe you need to do a quick tidy? Maybe you need to open your windows and let in some natural light? Find ways to make your space an area that you enjoy being in. Check out this quick video – https://youtu.be/5N_ATEygLzs
- Study in a way that suits your learning style
Knowing the best way you are able to retain information is a huge step in studying efficiently. Do you learn best with visuals? Try drawing images and using graphs to help you remember. UOW has created a great guide on how to study best for your learning style https://www.uow.edu.au/student/learning-co-op/effective-studying/identify-your-learning-style/ Not sure what you’re learning style is? Take this quick quiz to find out:
- Breathe!
Exams can be a really stressful time, know that you are not alone and that *cue cheesy music* we’re all in this together! The UOW Pulse Wellness team has put together some fantastic resources to help you plan your studies, check them out here https://pulse.uow.edu.au/wellness-and-sport/
Try out this free app recommended by our Wellness team https://www.smilingmind.com.au/smiling-mind-app
Good luck and you’ve got this! From the team at Pulse we hope you have a productive time prepping for your exams and that you are able to still set aside time to relax and unwind.