National Child Protection Week
It is National Child Protection Week this week! The theme for this year is ‘Putting children first…’
Children are an important part of UOW Pulse with many local children and families participating in UniActive swim school or holiday sports camps and of course they at the heart of what of Kids’ Uni childcare services.
Pulse intentionally strives to be Child Safe organisation, always working to adhere to the National Principles in our efforts to put children first and including commitments relating to keeping children safe in our employee code of conduct. These commitments are expectation for all team, no matter their area of business.
During National Child Protection Week, we encourage all of us to remember that keeping children safe is everyone’s business.
Do not ever turn a blind eye to child abuse or neglect. Speak up and be a voice for children. They are vulnerable and rely on adults around them to do the right thing and protect them.
If ever you have concerns about the welfare of any child you can contact the NSW Department of Communities and Justice Child Protection Helpline on ph: 13 2111.